Tuesday, September 10, 2024

“Ariana Meloni Was Targeted to Attack Georgia”: And an “Official Source” Confirms Investigation


Ariana Meloni ends up in a “media-judicial meat grinder.” He’s in the eye of the storm to “go to Georgia Meloney.” In the name of “unfair criminalization”. Antonio Di Pietro, a former minister and judge of Mani Bulit, said this today. and director Newspaper Speaking about the investigation into illegal influence peddling, Alessandro Sallusti confirms he was told by an “official source” that someone is investigating the prime minister’s sister. WHO? Certainly not in Rome, the natural place for such an inquiry. This is because there is no open file on him at the public prosecutor’s office in Piazzelle Claudio. And no reports have been received for the investigators to initiate their proceedings.

Di Pietro and the media-judicial meat grinder

Di Pietro speaks in an interview today Libero. “Arianna Maloney is a party leader. I don’t know if she participated in the nominations or not, but I ask: why on earth shouldn’t a leader participate in the elections that his party is responsible for? Institutional nominations are always made on a party basis,” says Prodi’s former minister. Who later expresses solidarity with her «She is used as an instrument to attack her sister. If you want to criticize her, criticize her for what she did. Happened to me too: I let my wife say she was a lawyer, not my wife. And the newspapers published the headline “Di Pietro rejects his wife”. No, judge the role and function of my wife, not because I am my wife.” And he explains: “Sometimes they are recorded in criminal reports against private individuals, other times in reports that are not considered crimes by the government, and other times crimes against people who are still unknown. That person. A person’s name is not always needed to investigate.”

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Rome Prosecutor’s Office

But in the meantime, there is a fixed point. Pres The Rome Prosecutor’s Office announces that no files have been opened against Ariana Meloni. And there are no complaints that investigators can initiate an investigation into. The hypothesis of an investigation into illegal influence peddling remains, in fact, a hypothesis. baseless. Speaking yesterday, the Prime Minister’s sister herself said: “I am appalled by this process, but I have never tried to influence or influence decisions on appointments. One more time drives me to despair, but I am very calm, I know I have done nothing wrong.” The head of the political secretariat of the FdI said that there was no “conflict” with Anki in any case and that he did not accept being “painted” as “she is not”. .

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