Antonio Martino – ANSA
Antonio Martino, one of the founders of Forza Italia, the liberal economist and son of art in Fornesina, died overnight at the age of 79. Minister of Foreign Affairs (first, second and third) in governments led by Silvio Berlusconi, he was with his political story from the beginning and always maintained the power and autonomy of thought recognized by all. Mario Tragi recalls:
“A profound genius of liberal thought, he brought his values and his view of the world to the center of Italian intellectual, political and institutional life.The Prime Minister writes. “As Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense, he worked tirelessly to strengthen Italy’s transatlantic relations and abolish military service.», The reference to Palazzo Chiki ends.
“Antonio Martino, one of the founders of Forza Italia, is a minister, a hero of Italian political life, an honest and loyal friend,” wrote Antonio Tajani, national coordinator of Forza Italia and former chairman of the European Parliament on Twitter.
A native of Messina, he graduated with a degree in law in 1964 and was appointed following his European selection as the 1966-1968 “Harkness Fellow of the Commonwealth Fund” for his expertise in Chicago. He taught history and monetary policy at the University of La Sapienza. He was Professor of Political Economy at the University of Rome Louis and Dean from 1992 to 1994. Since 2014 he has been the Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the Italy-America Foundation.
Because of his curriculum vitae and his widespread value, he was nominated by Forza Italia for the presidency in 2015, but he said he was not available. Honorary President of the Milton Friedman Institute, a leading economist on monetary policy. His political career began with his militancy in the Liberal Party, and then the Force switched to Italy: his “blue” card was No. 2 after Silvio Berlusconi.
Foreign Minister in the first Cave government from May 1994 to January 1995, he observed his reservation in the introduction of the euro as a single currency. He was Minister of Defense in the Berlusconi II and III governments, and played a decisive role in ending compulsory military service, as Draghi recalled.
Silvio Berlusconi recalls: “Very dear friend with Antonio Martino, eminent scholar, free man. With him I shared the idea of the birth of Forza Italia, in which he had a second number card – he also remembers -. He has been one of the most admired Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense in our Governments and is highly respected in all international contexts, especially in the United States where he was trained and where he was at home.. The son of Guidano Martino – he recalled – one of the founding fathers of the European Union, a student and friend of the Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, a liberal, staunch liberal, has looked to the Forza Italia project since 1994 with his thoughts. Among other things, I drew up our tax reform plan based on the flat tax. I miss the polite manners, the polite quotes, the cut contradictions, the wisdom.ர் Berlusconi concludes.
He sided with Forza Italia in 2013, when it was re-established, while maintaining a progressive detachment and growing critical accent, until his decision not to run for parliament again after six legislatures in 2018. He recently criticized Berlusconi’s potential candidacy for the guerrilla, often criticizing him for his inability to surround himself with powerful individuals, even at the risk of having to give up the stick one day.
“Farewell to Antonio Martino, one of the great economist, true liberal, and founder Forza Italia has been Minister several times and Honorary President of the Piedmont Institute. With him we lose a great Italian who had faith in the people of Europe. I miss our plansஎனவே, so Minister Renato Brunetta remembers him.
“It is with great sadness that I take part in mourning the passing of Antonio Martino. We often disagree, and perhaps for this reason I was able to appreciate its refinement, synchronization and efficiency even more deeply. A free voice we miss“, Democratic Secretary Enrico Letta writes.
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