The Revenue Agency is sending out a series of good notices, but their form will soon change thanks to a new decree signed in recent days.
They change Good faith warnings The Revenue and Collection Agency sent it, or rather changed it. treatment By citizens. This is one of the innovations introduced by the decree approved by the Council of Ministers on August 5. Before we see what these changes consist of, let us first give an overview of the situation.
Friendly notices are registered letters sent by AdE to taxpayers to inform them that checks, discrepancies and irregularities have been found in their tax return. Yes This is the first form of communication launched by the agency. To allow the financier to settle his situation by paying the amount due, even in installments, and bearing only 30% of the fines due.
yet Taxpayers was at his disposal 30 to 60 days to respond For communications, If you decide to pay in installments In any case, always pay the first installment within 30 days from the moment of delivery of the registered letter. Always within a month of the receipt of the notification, the taxpayer has the opportunity to prove to the Revenue Service that his request is unfounded – thus the burden of proof falls on the citizen. With decree Finally approved August 5 They are the ones who change. Allowed times For taxpayers, but let’s see in detail.
Well-Intentioned Warnings, What Changes with the New Decree
Among the topics discussed and approved were: Legislative Decree 108 On August 5th, there was also what we can define, for the moment, as the final part of what is state reform. tax man At the initiative of the Meloni government. Latest news for that concern Elongation The follower times Granted to taxpayers to respond to friendly notices.
Specifically, we allow ourselves more time. Oppose payment Of the amount requested by the notice. A form of greater protection for taxpayers, but made necessary by the facts, namely the difficulty of being able to book an appointment in a timely manner at the local offices of the Revenue Agency.
If the payment dates remain valid, the taxpayer actually realizes that he is wrong and proceeds to pay the amount due before it turns into a tax invoice, at the time of objection and proof of this, contrary to what was stated in the communications, that The amount is not due. Or it was paid in advance. In this latter case the times pass from the current times. 30 days to 60.
When the new legislation comes into effect
So, two months to prove the wrong done to the Revenue. But be careful because according to the Cabinet approval, the new legislation on friendly notices will remain in place until the end of 2024. Only as of January 2025 You will be able to take advantage of this new possibility.
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