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A digital portal for space projects and ideas was born

A digital portal to collect ideas and contributions from the space scientific community. At the moment, the platform is being upgraded and the number of registered users is around 500: within the year, it will also be enhanced with the ASA applications already in use. The first meeting in the conference room of the Cagliari Inav-Oak Astronomical Observatory in Cilargis, of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) virtual region, which was organized with the support of CRS4 and the Sardinian Space Region (DAs).

It is the first stop on a tour that will touch Rome, Milan and Trieste to make ASI’s virtual platform better known. “The tool presented by the Italian Space Agency – explained Giacomo Cau, CRS4 and Dass – will certainly be useful to the community belonging to the sector, not only to improve the interaction associated with the specific skills of each actor. Especially, but also for the development of projects of common interest. “

Giacomo Sciortino, ASI Virtual Region, explained that the portal is an innovative information resource as it provides a web interface for all players in the sector – companies, public bodies, business associations, regions and universities – to interact with their own contributions. “This allows – specifically – above all to map all the characteristics and professions expressed by the region and to promote their strengthening in a synergistic and interactive way, as well as with complementary financing processes.”

The portal is divided into three tools. The main base is the corporate database and the scientific community. This is connected to the document platform and thematic email hubs that can be used by all registered subjects to send messages to the community.

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